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Possible February Challenge

discuss photo-a-day projects
Posts: 2605

Possible February Challenge

Post Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:09 am

February is just around the corner. Was thinking along the lines of light and shadow....any thoughts?


Posts: 17

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:12 am

What about "Backlight" This would involve light-Backlight and shadow - from the backlight...

Posts: 1541

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:41 pm

I'd love to participate in another challenge. Light and shadow would require light however. There is none. The sun does not shine here for another two months. Seriously. If it's not clouds then it's fog. Indoor lighting does not cast strong shadows.

The challenge has to be something you can do for 28-31 days in a row.

I hate to be naysayer without offering an alternative but I picked my own challenge for December and I didn't even like it once I started it. :)

I personally find the more general the challenge, the easier it is to get a daily photograph. If it has to be a technique then something like a month of macros would be something you can do anywhere and under most conditions. Or rule of thirds.

That's just me. I know other people prefer really concrete themes where they know exactly what they have to shoot. So I understand that coming up with ideas to satisfy everyone in all climate zones with all kinds of different cameras isn't easy.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I would like to be inspired by the challenge not feel like it's a job. In fact, there's an idea that just popped into my head. What inspires your photography? If it's your dog, you could shoot 28 photos of your dog if you wanted. If it's nature, then nature. If it's light then light. Or mix them up.

I'm not offering this a suggestion. Just trying to articulate what would work for me. And like I said, I'm just one person so please take this post with a grain of salt.

Posts: 838

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:06 pm

Have you all ever done "water?" (I've not been around long enough to know)

Water comes in 3 different forms (solid, liquid, and gas), is just about everywhere (inside your house, outside in nature), and is obviously very prevalent in the weather.

Just a thought.

Posts: 3301
Location: San Diego, California

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:40 pm

"Colored Liquids" was done as a challenge in February 2011, but water has never been done as a monthly challenge. An intriguing idea.
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 1541

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:30 pm

I wasn't trying to shoot down the shadow/light suggestion. To me that is a good general concept that can be interpreted many different ways. And in fact, light is kind of what photography is about. It would actually be my preference if I were doing the challenge which is unlikely given the time of year and the fact I have another photography project going on which will make it hard to even get a PAD.

Water is also good especially if you live on the coast. Liquid or forms of liquid might be a little more general, IMHO.

So I know you're saying "Why does she care if she's not even going to join in?" and "Did someone ask for her opinion?" :)

I really do like the challenges and I follow them even if I don't participate. And I will again someday when winter ends and the sun shines more than one day a week. Just ignore me. I'm sure you're saying "Well, we were actually." LOL.

Posts: 2605

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:12 am

Light and shadow can even be done inside. I do like the concept of all it's forms. Also, something that can be done indoors and up for more opinions, subjects..... :) :?

Posts: 1331

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:54 pm

Either shadows or water work for me! Both are challenging ideas ~ indoors and out! 8)

Posts: 2605

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:58 pm

We could make it really a challenge and have shadows on water! LOL! Just kidding......We've still gotta few more days in the month to bat around ideas....I'm game and open for anything but porn! :oops: :twisted: :shock: :lol:

Posts: 5643

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:04 am

ces0357 wrote:I'm game and open for anything but porn! :oops: :twisted: :shock: :lol:

Now I remember, when we were discussing possible subjects for January there was an idea of "sex" theme challenge :? :mrgreen: :roll:

Posts: 2605

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:54 am

jolka wrote:
ces0357 wrote:I'm game and open for anything but porn! :oops: :twisted: :shock: :lol:

Now I remember, when we were discussing possible subjects for January there was an idea of "sex" theme challenge :? :mrgreen: :roll:

You're making me laugh, Jola! :lol: :roll: :wink: :shock: 8)

Posts: 838

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:18 am

Yeah, I remember the "sex" theme suggestion ...... but can't remember who proposed it. Maybe whoever it was could step forward and let us know exactly how that would work for an entire month ..... LOL


Posts: 3301
Location: San Diego, California

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:06 am

The"Sex" theme was suggested by Boris:

"Think about: " The sex in your life"
(it could be, beer ,wine, schnaps, girls. men, cars ,horses, boats, airplanes, houses....and and and LOVE!)

Just an Idea, but I will not participate in this month, because I´m travelling !

Guten Rutsch in´s neue JAHR 2012, my friends!


This would certainly be a first in the monthly challenges. :lol: :shock:
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 1946

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:48 am

Yeah.. this was actually me! I remember and had almost forgotten about it! :D

Yes.. what really turns you on, makes you excited, what is most important for you! Put it in a frame!!

It is an open source linux. Everybody can contribute! Open-minded. some open-hearted (like girls), some specific in their hobbies, something about your dreams....etc.


Posts: 2354

Re: Possible February Challenge

Post Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:53 am

All good suggestions so far and I will add to the mix with....

Fill The a brick wall, sand, the dog's fur, the surface of an icy lake...just as long as your subject fills the entire frame.


Starts With......... eg: S....sofa, shopfront, slipper, sleeping

Karen, your opinion and ideas are as welcome as anybody's here and your points are valid


Board index PBase PaD Discussion Possible February Challenge

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