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Root gallery text

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:59 pm
by ronjon
In the Root gallery my text comes up with a square of 4 periods in the title; just curious on that one. Problem: I want to make the text under the photos distinctive for that page only; when I type something in for the root gallery it also appears on the actual page where the gallery is located. I only want it to appear on the root. Example, I'm trying to make two folders in Root for Canon G2 and 10D. If I put that text in the root, it also appears in the folder thumbnail.

How do I add G2 in the title; don't want it in

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 5:21 pm
by candsrr
The 'four dots' are one of several ways you can use to indicate you are clicking on an album and not a single photo. You can see the choices by going into "edit your account settings" and look at Gallery Title Delimiter.