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Date format of a shot

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:19 am
by rdavid

By default there is 25-DEC-2006 (DD-MMM-YYYY) date format. How can I change it? I'd like something like this: December 25, 2006.

Thank you

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:07 am
by ernst
I don't know if you can change the default, but the data field accepts any text.
I use the ISO / international date format yyyy-mm-dd myself and immediately after uploading I enter the new date in the gallery edit screen. That takes only 2 seconds...

It would be nice though to set your peferred date format and then be able to search for photos taken on a particular date :roll:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:48 pm
by rdavid
Yes, I do the same. But sometimes I have shots with different dates in a gallery. Then the process takes time. :(.