Board index PBase Show and Tell WINNERS of the Photo Contest #16 - Angle in Architecture

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WINNERS of the Photo Contest #16 - Angle in Architecture

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Posts: 990

WINNERS of the Photo Contest #16 - Angle in Architecture

Post Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:52 pm

I have to say that there were really cool photos but i had a good time in validating!
It was an honour to host this competition and i hope it was not so borring for you.
I have to say that there are so many pictures that i think are great that i have decieded to give 3 honorable and the winners;
I'll start with the Honorable:

3rd Honorable:zainabdullah
Good perspective and great color composition

2nd Honorable: crischen
A very interesting angle. The columns make me feel dizzy and looks like a great optical illusion. By the way, where is this place???

1st Honorable: eml
This B&W is amazing. The column and its shadow give with the rithmical glass structure give a contrast between simple and complicated.

3rd Place: ericdeparis
The angle caught here gives an interesting geometry of the building. Also the colors look very clean and clear.

2nd place: lightmajestic
The cirvatures and the light makes it a perfect composition. Also the underexposure gives a sense of cleanness and spirituality.

1st place: tyson_poeckh
Great work with this one! Two things i like the most: Curves and the lighting technique. The curvature of the glass gives a excelent transaction between light and dark and the devidings of the facade give continuity.

The next challenge will be hosted by tyson_poeckh

See you Pbasers in the next challenge ;)

Posts: 451

Post Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:51 am

great job to all the architecture troopers...

Posts: 254

Post Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:35 am

Thanks agroni for choosing my photo as one of the honourable mention.

And congrats to all the winners especially tyson_poeckh on your first place. Your shot is wonderful indeed. :)

Please feel free to view more of my architectural shots of Malaysian building at
zain's photo gallery |
zain's photo blog |

Posts: 537
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands

Post Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:11 pm

Thank you for introducing the honourable mention en choosing my photo as one of them!! I consider it a real trophy, as this is a first for me... :D

Congratulations to the winners, great photos of beautiful buildings.
tyson_poeckh, good luck and fun in hosting the next challenge!

Congrats also you, Agron, as you had a very difficult job and I think you did very well in your selection.

Posts: 101

Post Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:10 pm

2nd place hey! not bad for my old point & shoot ;)
well done everyone!
Once more unto the breach!

Posts: 512

Post Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:07 pm

Great photos!!!

Posts: 230

Post Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:11 am

Thanks very much Agron for running this contest and for nominating one of my photographs.
Best from Paris, ERic Pouhier

Posts: 990

Post Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:35 am

I have sent a PM to Tyson (the winner) to host the next competition. He is not responding to my last two mails and i have to say that if hi does not post a new competition until 22:00 CET = 4:00PM EST on 25 Aug 2006 the competition will be hosted by lightmajestic which is the second winner which will also have two days to host the competition
Rules are rules

Posts: 57

Post Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:57 pm

Apologies, I will not be able to host the next competition due to a family emergency.

agroni wrote:I have sent a PM to Tyson (the winner) to host the next competition. He is not responding to my last two mails and i have to say that if hi does not post a new competition until 22:00 CET = 4:00PM EST on 25 Aug 2006 the competition will be hosted by lightmajestic which is the second winner which will also have two days to host the competition
Rules are rules


Post Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:16 pm

Sorry to hear about your family emergency Tyson. Hope everthing is alright.

tyson_poeckh wrote:Apologies, I will not be able to host the next competition due to a family emergency.

Posts: 990

Post Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:29 pm

I am sorry for your family situation!!! I hope that everything will work out fine.
Due to this situtation i will have to pass the next competition to lightmajestic.
So please post the next have two days to host it or the challenge will be transfered to the third winner!

Board index PBase Show and Tell WINNERS of the Photo Contest #16 - Angle in Architecture

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