ralphandkylie wrote:Peter (aka homerhomer),
firstly, congratulations on winning the competition, your photo expresses alot of emotion without using the face to express it. Well done.
Secondly, please don't give up on these competitions because of some peoples' questioning of the result. This has never happened before. All previous competitions have worked really well.
I'm looking forward to seeing what subject you put for the next competition.
Everyone else, let's remember that this is not a professional competition, there are no prizes. I wonder about the 2nd place photo too (it's a great image and I'd be interested to hear what artandrevolution has to say about it) but in the end this is PBase's friendly, weekly competition, let's keep it that way.
I agree wholeheartedly with the above.
Sorry that I didn't explain my reason for questioning the choice of #2: There are a lot of non-native English language users around here. There also have been questions in previous competitions from just such folks over a fine point in the definition of a word. I just thought that if such a person went to wikipedia or wherever to see the definition of
gesture and found it incongruous with #2, it might cause that person to be confused or frustrated. (Incidentally, said wikipedia definition of gesture only includes the expressionistic use of the eyes, such as rolling, not staring, as in that image. If you disagree with that definition, perhaps you might consider sending a correction / addition to the wikipedia definition.)
Note that I'm not making any commentary on the quality of the photography at all, just the choice of the image based on the defined subject matter.
artandrevolution wrote:due to the lack of entries
That seems to be an odd thing to say. I counted 106 "entries" (images). Just how many more would it take, in your opinion, to
not be a "lack of entries?" Thanks -