It has become a cliche to introduce the winners with the statement that choosing is very difficult and this competition is not exception. Thank you for the many excellent contributions.
Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
Aaah. The ultimate in motion. Very nice composition with the "Gotham City" in the foreground and the clear moving sky.
Great situational catch. This is not a shot you can stage.
Very well done "strobe" illustrating the motion of the running girl. Must have taken hours of computer work!
I liked looking at this one in full size displaying the back-lit wake made by the skier. Definitely moving!
Very creative and integrative use of Photoshop. Very well done composition.
Third place:
The still rock provides a great resting point displaying the movement around it. The reddish monochrome adds a unique "Marsian" quality to the image.
Second place:
Definitely in theme displaying a smooth motion. Very nice use of selective coloring.
First Place:
Very evocative image of dancing, the ultimate in human motion. I love the mystery of the picture. Who are these dancers? What made them dance in the night? Great combination of blurriness and partial crispness.