Board index PBase Show and Tell 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

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114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

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Posts: 459

114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:08 am

So I just returned from a weekend of shooting a basketball tournament. Over 2000 images captured this weekend to sort through, and then I remember that this contest ends today. So, as I empty a few cards full of pictures onto my hard drive, I start to go through these submissions, only to realize that judging this weeks display of talent is going to be an absolute challenge. It really is so hard to make choices like this, especially for just one judge. It never ceases to amaze me how much talent there is on this board....and so few are professional photographers. No wonder the field is so competitive. But in any case, here is my list of runners up, and my three winners. Any one of the runners up could have been one of the three winners. It really is so difficult to choose. But, that being said, here I go;

Honorable mention - In no particular order.

When I first looked at this, the columns looked like they were drawn in! It almost looks like an image made to make your eyes sense movement that isn't really there!

There is a real sense of erie mystery in this image, which is enhanced by the use of a wide angle lens combined with the black and white imagery. Add to that the photographers handle of "monkeypainter" and your imagination really starts to travel.

Click on this image to go to a larger version, and then scroll up an down. After a few minutes, your eye will converge on your nose! Very interesting effect. I am still not even sure what it is I am looking at here!!!

I love the tone of the blues in this image, and the lone figure apparently approaching on the moving sidewalk. The futuristic sense you get in this picture is reminiscant of Kubrick's "2001, A Space Oddysey".

This to me looks like a matte drawing from a Flash Gordon comic or movie (...for those of you old enough to know who Flash Gordon is. If you are not old enough, then you should be young enough to know to Google it. :D ) The play of light on the left side of the tower columns adds a sense of mystery and otherworldly presence to the image.

The disembodied arms along with the sepia tones really make this image sing.

When I first saw this picture, I thought it was a drawing. The colors, the angle, and the arrows in the hand make it appear almost as if it comes from a computer animated cartoon. Your eye automaticcly goes to the converge point instantly. It's like sliding down a steep hill.

And Now For The Winners

Third Place - terrybowker
Now here is something few of us ever get to see. When I said I didn't want typical roads or train tracks, I never thought of other forms of transportation. It almost seems as though this airplane is coming in from another world. The composition and lighting are just perfect, and the sense of power in the contrails as they leave the rear of the plane are almost palpable. Add to that the scale.....just how far back to those contrails go??? A truly amazing shot!

Second Place - mdejong
As soon as I saw this image, I fell in love with it. The white on white lines, the placement of the shadow, and the pose of the cat are contrasted against such a deep blue sky. Everything in this image draws you in, and yet the pose of the cat, so regal and confident, adds a sense of whimsy to the whole thing. It is an image that immediately captured me and made me smile.

First Place - juliaucoin
When I said I wanted different, this is exactly what I was talking about. A angle different from what we would normally see, lines we may not notice, or thoughts that otherwise may not have occurred. But what really stood out in this image was all the converging going on!! The two circles converging together, the tiles in each circle converging to the center, the square tiles converging where the circles meet, and most importantly, the two people who are converging on each other. Yet, we know that their parallel but opposite paths will never completely converge, and that in the next step each one takes, their convergence will reverse itself and they will grow farther apart. Is this the closest they will ever come to contacting each other? Where will the paths each takes lead them? There are so many questions in this image, and so much symbolism in the squares and circles that make up the lines that frame it. When you go to Julia's galleries, you will see that her eye is so well trained to capture what we hardly ever see. A true artist. Well done.

Congratulations to all those who entered. There was truly a large collection of deserving submissions.

To Julia.....tag, you're it!!! Now you get to find out that with winning comes work and responsibility. But then again, looking at your galleries, I am sure you are up to the task.

And thank you all for allowing me the honor to participate in this wonderful process.

Last edited by chasp on Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 497

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:35 am

Congratulations to Julie, wonderful shot! Chas thanks for the third place nod! Lots of great entries!



Posts: 234

114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:32 am

Thanx a lot for the honorable mention...!


btw... in this times of modern, fancy digital wondercameras, this one has been done with a 50 years old -light leaking- russian FED3, bw film, and guessed focus and exposure.


Posts: 254

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:15 pm

Congrats to all the winners! Well done!
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Posts: 537
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:53 pm

Thanks a lot for the honourable mention!

And congrats tot the winner, of course!

Posts: 75

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:48 pm

Excellent judging job, Chasp. Superb picks all around, wonderful descriptions of why they were chosen.

Congrats to the winners!

Posts: 4

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 pm

Thanks for the mention! Great topic and excellent pics all around!!

Posts: 797
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:40 am

All good choices, well done.

Posts: 124

Re: 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

Post Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:33 am

Bravo à tous, au juge et à la gagnante.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 114th Show & Tell Competition: Converging Lines - WINNER

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