Thanks everyone for your submissions to the competition. The quality of the entries makes coming to a decision difficult, but here are my choices:
Four honorable mentions.
Who can resist this wonderful photo by erichmangl?
The soft light, the combination (to me) of the commonplace and the exotic make this shot by gillk a winner.
Fall is in the air, but the brave flower resists. By atucker.
Simply a classic by azicit.
Third place: A lovely moment by nsaratan. You wish you were there.
Second Place. The static archway frame, dynamic motion of the train and woman, a brief moment in time and a great caption too! By slkorolev.
First Place to gpmerfeld. Along with all of the emotion conveyed by this expertly captured scene, one is left wondering if that is the perfect frame for the dog, or the perfect dog for the frame!
Congratulations and thanks again to all!
On to you, Mr Merfeld.