Board index PBase Show and Tell 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

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153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

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Posts: 203

153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:04 pm

First and foremost, my sincere thanks to everyone for their contributions to this competition!

Like many a competition before this I'm sure, judging has been difficult to say the least, but more importantly great fun, seeing different peoples interpretations of the theme and an abundance of high quality pictures. Without further ado, I will get down the knitty gritty and announce the all important results ....

In no particular order, the honourable mentions:

Brad Claypole: I love the warming tones of this wagon against the milky blue skies, the yellow autumnal tree and the cold of the crisp white snow.
The contrasts of warm and cold and an almost tranquil feel make this an extremely atmospheric image

Juan Leon: as soon as I saw this image I thought Italy - the red, white and green contrast nicely then there's a clash bright pink. This would make
a great photo for a caption contest! Great composition and DOF

Scott Johnson: I love this image for its soft purple hues together with the cream and vibrant red blooms

Sandi Whiteker: I love the simplicity of this picture which at first glance looks like an oil painting, nice and simple but very effective

Peter Schmidt: simply for the vibrancy of the colours and what looks like almost an explosion of light from the centre of the flower

Josep M Rodríguez: I chose this for simplicity .... great depth of field, wonderful contrasting colours, a simply lovely image

Margaret Lew: a vibrant and crisp purple bloom with a spectrum of leaf tones against the more subdued sandy tone of the wall, another simple
but effective image

Gill Kopy: a great picture of contrasts and clashes! Whilst it was definitely contrasts of colour I was looking for, who can dispute the contrast
of expressions here? As for the outfits, without doubt, there are a few clashes going on!

J Rayner: I just love the eye-poppingly bright red fences bouncing out of an otherwise dull and dreary scene, great capture with extreme

Terry Bowker: a dramatic image, it stretches the imagination as to what might have been going on there - brilliant yellow and subtle shades
of purple, togewhter with his sparkling white teeth. Great timing, great light, great capture and, in my mind, a worthy winner .... well done!

Congratulations Terry, it's now over to you for number 154!
Last edited by stuartjr on Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
"The World is a book .... those who do not travel read only one page"
Nikon D700, Nikon 24-70G f2.8

Posts: 477

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:51 pm

Thanks so much for the HM Stuart, and congrats to all and especially Terry for his super and so colorful capture. Didn't envy you having to choose from so many great entries to this fun subject. Sandi

Posts: 920

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:05 pm

Wow - many thanks for the 3rd place - and congrats to the other winners, especially Terry. It really was neat to see all the interpretations - a fun challenge !

Posts: 59

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:08 pm

Many thanks for the HM...and congrats to all the winners.

Posts: 58

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:22 pm

Congratulations Terry.

Posts: 497

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:59 pm

Congratulations to Brad Claypole, Juan Leon, Scott Johnson,
Sandi Whiteker, Peter Schmidt, Josep M Rodríguez, Margaret Lew,
Gill Kopy, and J Rayner! All great photographs!

Many thanks to Stuart for selecting my image as the winner! I very much appreciate this especially coming from such an outstanding photographer!

Please give me a few hours to come up with another contest.

Many Thanks


Posts: 721

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:51 am

Many thanks for the honorable mention! I'm delighted to be in this group of winners.

I thought Terry's was one of the most arresting shots in the submissions. My congratulations to him and I look forward to seeing what his contest produces.



Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:21 am

Great choice Stuart! On target!
Bravo Terry ! and our congratulations all the winners!
Evereone good luck in next competitions!
Dima and Nelya.

Posts: 35

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:30 am

Wow, thanks for the honorable mention, lots a good stuff here and I'm thrilled to be included.

Posts: 620

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:11 am

Thank you very much for the HM Stuart, and congrats to Terry!

Posts: 404

Re: 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

Post Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:49 am

Great winner! My guess would be a scene during the Holi festival?

Many of you probably know of this site, but for the rest: check out for more awesome pictures of people covered in dazzling fluorescent colors.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 153rd Show & Tell Competition: Contrast or Clash - WINNER

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