Well, firstly folks, my sincere thanks to you all for a multitude of credible entries. I very much enjoyed the experience as for me, one of the highlights of photography is colour, something this subject gave us in abundance.
In judging this particular competition, there were almost too many candidates for honorable mentions so please don't feel left out if you felt your picture was worth one!
Anyway, onto those mentions, in no particular order:
Blue in colour, blue in mood, it really leaves me wondering what this little chap was thinking:
It took me a couple of seconds to work this one out but when I did, I had to include it for its simple but effective perspective:
Fantastic tones in this shot and I love the way the umbrella blends into the background making that 'Invisible Man'; well seen and captured:
This just struck me as almost a blue moment for the planet as yet another chunk of beautiful blue ice smashes into the ocean, moving us one small step nearer to an uncertain future:
The searing blue in this image appealed to me most, it almost defies logic that such a cold looking flame could be so very hot!:
Chosen for its simplicity, yet there is so much going on maybe .... blue or simply bored, who knows?:
Fantastic light and shadows makes this image so blue, it's almost chilling, yet another that leaves me wondering .... not sure I'd want to go through that door:
Super capture, it's simply amazing to think that this beautiful thing is actually alive, and probably very dangerous:
Moving now to the placements:
There isn't much I can say about this one, other than I love it, great composition, colour and mood:
I suppose you could call this one deepest blue, I love the brilliant sunlight. An amazing capture, and one that many of us could only dream of achieving:
In my opinion, this is a stunning shot; the lighting, and the clarity yet softness created by great DoF make this a winner. I almost expected to see a surfer curling through the picture as it reminded me so much of a crashing ocean wave. Excellent abstract image, a worthy winner I hope you'll agree.
Big congratulations to you David on an excellent picture - it's over to you now for Number 161 ....