Board index PBase Show and Tell 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

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165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

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Posts: 499

165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:05 am

Thanks all for entering this competition... I really enjoyed looking at the entries.

The aim of the competition for me was to look at the photos, to immediately think that I would like that photo in my portfolio, but to then think: How am I going to do it ?!

First, and in no particular order, the honourable mentions

Thanks Jojie for showing me this scene. It had me immediately thinking "Is it one of Yannick's amazing creations, or is it real?"
I googled the place, and found other photos confirming it really does look like this.
I have seen a lot of places in the world, but this one is really beautiful.
Paradise defined... the secrecy, the clear water, the abyssal feel makes this an excellent photo, and the man jumping in puts it in perspective. Without knowing where this photo was taken, I would really struggle to replicate it. Even knowing, I'm gonna struggle. ; - >

Lots of things combine to make this an excellent photo... the sky, the light on the ice, the large chunks of ice (where did they come from?!) the man standing on the top.. Composition is spot on with the cloud above the man's head. I'd love to have been there taking this photo. Can I replicate it ? Not easily at all.

How embarrassing... the ship has crashed in front of a light house !! It's like attempting to burgle a police station.
I'd love to have seen this scene for real, and I have no chance of replicating it.

Clearly a lot of effort has gone into this pic which makes it difficult to replicate. If I could have seen the fish a bit more clearly, this would have definitely been in the top 3 - I can't really see his eyes or mouth. A great pic nevertheless.

Yannick, I am not a huge fan of massively photoshopped photos, but your creations deserve a special mention. They really are amazing.. such imagination, and each one unique. For me - unreplicable as I am nowhere near as good at PS. :D

The butterfly and the bee... This was the kind of thing I was looking for. You've got a good scene with the butterfly, but the bee makes it that much better.

and now the winners...

in joint 3rd place:
I've put these photos in joint 3rd because they actually look a bit similar with the dark background + animal + water
This is the kind of shot that takes good skill, luck, and a lot of time to get... I could not replicate this one easily at all.

Similar for this shot.. I like the reflection that the bat's wings make with the water thus creating a cross. Timing is perfect with the bat just scooping water at the right time. Focus and definition are perfect. I'd love to know more about how you'd go about taking this. Amazing shot.

in second place:
This shot made me laugh immediately. I've tried taking photos of fish like this, and it's not easy. This one is pin sharp, both fish eyes are in the shot, it looks almost human and seems to be shouting something, and the fish next to it looks like his side kick in a comedy act. There are no reflections from the water surface which makes the shot even better.

And the winner is... (drum roll)
Well, for me, this photo has everything. It immediately draws you in... what is that in the background ? Nuclear explosion.. Sand storm ? Is the guy going to die ? Does he really think an umbrella is going to stop that ?! Why's he so relaxed with his legs crossed.. has he not seen what's behind him ?
Composition, light, focus and mystery-factor are all spot on.
Without knowing that it's a hydro-plant, I'd definitely have no way of replicating this shot.

Well done Jean-Louis... Over to you.

Thanks all for entering.

Posts: 497

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:13 am

Nice Contest Nick! Congratulations to Jean Louis Brillet! Great selections, congratulations to all!



Posts: 72

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:43 pm

Glad I wasn't the one having to pick from this lot. There were some really interesting images submitted this go around. Congrats to all.

Posts: 58

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:45 pm

Did not have chance to enter this one... But congrats to the winners and HM's.
Excellent topic!

Posts: 1417

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:53 pm

I've seen this image submitted multiple times for the competition. Finally it wins! Congratulations!

Posts: 499

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:13 pm

yep, I thought it should have won the "power" competition...

not even a mention !

Posts: 3303
Location: San Diego, California

165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:14 pm

Thanks for the second place Nick. Glad you had to pick and not me. I liked a lot of the submissions.

Best Wishes,

Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

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Location: Vienna, Austria

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:23 pm

winner is nice but in my eyes not "unreplicable" since they open the gates frequently and it's a tourist spot where the guy is standing

enjoyed to see that you mentioned Yannick !

#2 is my #1 , fish are fantastic :-)

Posts: 181
Location: Davao City, Philippines

Re: 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

Post Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:51 am

Nick, I'd like to thank you for the honorable mention on top of the list. Am deeply honored that my image really holds true for some who tell me they are hypnotized as if being sucked into its abyss. Unfortunately because of poor road conditions, the ride to this hidden paradise is difficult and rough which goes well for me so that it won't be too exploited. At first glance, it does look like a part of Yannick's work. LOL. Thank you and congratulations to the well deserved winners. I enjoyed viewing each entries a lot. :D
"A photographer is nothing without his camera." - Eddie Cohen

Board index PBase Show and Tell 165th Show & Tell Competition: Unreplicable - WINNER

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