There were many fine images entered in this contest. Thank you to all who participated!
Now on to the WINNERS!
Here are the Honorable Mentions in no particular order:
F-16 by Juan Leon
Ferris Wheel by Seeing Spots Photo
Fair Noir by Chasp
Water Pump by Peter Robertson
Brick Works also by Peter Robertson
Fifth Place is awarded to Thomas Dunn for his "Simple Machine." Very sharpe nicely composed image of a wooden wheel.
Fourth Place is awarded to Tony McGarva for "Steam Train" Nicely framed photograph of this vintage Steam Train.
Third Place is awarded to Paul Dudley "lambsfeathers" for his "Clock". Great composition and dynamic range. Nicely done!
Second Place goes to Brad Claypole for "Black & White-Out". This photograph is very sharp and full of energy and perfectly framed.
This powerful and imposing image of the USS Wisconsin is wonderfully composed and very well exposed. Congratulations Chris you are the First Place Winner!