I Hope you were all challenged by this subject...
One observation, before we start.
There were a number of shots which were OBVIOSLY HDR. In my view, HDR is so overused. HDR should be so subtle it is not obvious to the viewer.
That's just my view anyway! Feel free to tear me to shreds with your comments....
There was some really nice work submitted and to follow the template set by previous judges, I should give a couple of honourable mentions.
In no particular order...
Lovely Sharp Image - Nicely composed.
Fantastic Cloud!
Nice Composition and a great sky!
This one came close! Really nice composition.
Would loved to have been there with my 6X17 Linhof!
Nicely Done!
Fantastic Light.
Now for the Gongs!
3rd Place goes to a_zeitler for "Rockland PA"
Well Done Aaron!
Beautifully taken in just the right light for the location...
2nd Place goes to mdejong for "Miners Creek Beach"
Again, a demanding location. The Rocks framing the island could so easily have been underexposed but they still retain detail.
The Sky could so easily have been overexposed and lost all its colour. The Warmth of the sun falling on the island is perfect.
Well Done Marcel!
1st Place goes to GillK for Sossusvlei, Namibia.
Perhaps not as technically tough as the previous two images, but beautifully composed and simple.
Every Photo needs to tell its story clearly to the viewer, and the simpler the image is, the more clearly it does that.
Many of the images submitted were very cluttered with so much going on that your eye is not drawn to the subject, but darts about the image trying to work out what the subject is.
This one nailed it for me!
Congrats Gill - nicely done!
Thanks everyone - I have enjoyed your responses!