Hi guys! Sorted through your "bloody photos" and picked out the ones with the most romance in the air plus an arresting touch of red, first and foremost. Here goes:
a_zeitler, you have an adorable wife. And even if she was alone in the picture, the look she gave was dreamy and romantic for me.
sandi, this is more sensual than romantic but overall it is a very appealing portrait. (and beckoning, too)
Berndk, this one is the most highly suggestive capture, and it is so timely framed. Is it in a moving train or something? Elevator, perhaps?
Bartosz, I love your three shots and this one in particular is fun and well-composed.
Lawrence, I may be wrong and this one may be both females taking photos of each other, but knowing our quirky Asian culture, this could be a perfect example of what I personally call our "Tweedledee Syndrome" (couples wearing matching outfits, kind of quite annoying but cute at the same time). I cannot ignore the giant heart, so it's a vote for me.
Nick, the glow of red wine and a sip of sunset works well for me. Or I meant the glow of sunset and a sip of red wine works well in this gorgeous silhouette shot. Very romantic. Makes me want to think of "strangling" you for taking out those OTTER PHOTO! I loved that! You took it out! It was otterly adorable and romantic to me! http://www.pbase.com/nickviv/image/56225569
Juan, romance is written/shouting all over your photo. Wonder who's initiating the move, or drinking the "bloody mary".
Composition is crisp, clean colors, and so aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. The red framed window stands out but doesn't invade the couple's dominant white space. Even if they weren't holding hands, or gazing at each others' eyes, the overall romantic feel is because they're getting hitched. (or could that be a resigned look from the groom?)
Congratulations, Bartosz. Have a romantic Valentine, everyone.