Wow, I know everybody says judging the winners is hard, but you all made this REALLY HARD by entering so many great photos. Thank you!
First, the Honorable mentions...There were so many great shots, could have been more HMs. Not in any order, but these really exemplified simplicity and disciplined composition in some way that set them apart for me.
thepartaker - outstanding use of contrast both in scale (cliff vs. lighthouse), and light-dark of sky vs. white cliff
mdejong - beautiful color and cloud pattern
drr1531 - great use of long exposure to create the cottony, misty water
raynerj - strong foreground, and well-executed depth of field
davlefabuleux - very nice reflections
3rd place: bartosz - Talk about mood! This is one spooky place, looks like something out of Mordor in Lord of the Rings. Great shot.
2nd place: nickviv - I couldn't find the lighthouse for awhile, but eventually I found it, LOL. This has an almost Zen-like quality of simplicity that I really admire, reminded me of a Japanese rock garden.
1st place: sandiwhi - Great light, beautifully balanced, just the right amount of curve and foreground.
I have tried to both launch and post winners timely to get us back on a regular schedule. Over to you, Sandi!