I am both glad and ac bit frustrated I picked this topic. Glad in the sense that were so many superb entries and frustrated in the sense that it was very difficult for me to pick a winner.
First the honorable mentions in no particular order:
John: I really like this view from the top of the Rock with this foreground, these tones and the fog / mist in the background.
Daniel; Great job with this exposure. Wonderful contrasts and lighting.
Tom: A most unusual subject, with such a well chosen vantage point.
Luxun54: A wonderful looking sky with these clouds and colors range. Great with that silhouette.
Third Place: Sandi: A fine shot of the Oceanside Pier. I know the location well, and you picked a fine vantage point not normally chosen. So nice with those reflections.
Second Place: Jojie: A lovely ambiance in this image. The lighting and exposure are just great.
First Place: Margaret: I really like the different sized silhouettes in this image and the unusual perspective. Great timing, the figures are lined up perfectly. A wonderful glow in this well composed image.
Congratulations Margaret!