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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:09 am
by nickviv
Hi everyone..
Announcing the results of the competition. Many thanks to everyone for taking part. I have enjoyed watching the entries come in.

This competition was all about animals in their environment... I wanted to see a well composed photo of an animal interacting with their environment. I did not rule out pet / zoo shots, but it would have taken a spectacular shot to make it. If you are in the top few, and you took the shot in a zoo, well done ! (I don't think there are any but you never know)

First the honourable mentions:
Sand Crab
- This really shows an animal in (and interacting with) the environment in the form of camouflage
- There's enough definition to pick out the crab, but no so much that it looks too different

Sea Otter
- The problem with photographing sea animals (seals, Sea otters) is that it's very difficult to include enough environment to make the environment an interesting part of the photo as one is always looking down on the subject.
- Anyway, what a great shot of a Sea Otter having fun with his / her lunch. A very tough shot to get I'd have thought.

Mouflon sheep
- A nicely composed shot showing these terrific animals in their environment

- This really shows the monkey in it's environment... Tough to get as I'd have thought they'd be scared and run away.
- I love the framing of the tree, and

3rd place:
- It's a great shot of mum and baby bison in their environment.. It really shows the animals in their environment, and to combine the bison with the smoke.. Well done. To make it an even better shot, I'd have liked to have seen greater distinction between mum and baby.

2nd place:
- Beautiful, incredible timing, and spot on for the theme.

And our winner, a little clown fish:
- I am a sucker for clown fish, and this little chap was just the ticket.
- Great composition, definition, love the subject, and the environment.

Well done everyone..
Over to Peter.


Re: 243rd Show & Tell Competition: Animals in their environment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:38 am
by emmelafoto
Congratulations to the winner. A wonderful image!!

Re: 243rd Show & Tell Competition: Animals in their environment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:10 am
by fishit
All good choices, congrats to the winners.

Re: 243rd Show & Tell Competition: Animals in their environment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:21 am
by terrybowker
Very nice contest and selections! Congratulations to Peter and all of the other winners! :D

Re: 243rd Show & Tell Competition: Animals in their environment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:51 am
by pstubley
Wow, an unexpected honour, particularly given the other entries. Thanks for the win, Nick. I'll have the new competition up later today... once I think of something ;)


Re: 243rd Show & Tell Competition: Animals in their environment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:03 pm
by jojie_alcantara
congratulations to deserving winners! :D

Re: 243rd Show & Tell Competition: Animals in their environment

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:38 am
by gillk
THANKS ! for the 2nd place - a topic I love and so many great entries. Congrats Peter and other winners.