Thanks to all the photographers who entered the contest. As usual you do not make it easy on the judge who has to decide!
I showed the photos to my wife, the master gardener, who looks at a LOT of garden pictures every day. She was highly impressed with the entries and did not envy me the task of choosing among them.
By opening up two dozen tabs in my browser and switching between the full sized images, I was finally able to whittle them down to these winners.
Three honorable mentions:
Touch Down in Wiltshire – Lacock4 by Gill Kopy
The invitation to walk down that path and explore the rest of the garden is irresistible. I love how the bicycle, with its flat tire, is becoming part of the garden.
Corellas – Cottesloe by Marcel de Jong
A comical shot. The bird on the bath has turned to one coming in as if to say, “Where the heck do you think you’re going to land?!”. I wonder what happened next. Superb execution.
Water Lily by Walter O. Koenig
Here the light seems to come from within. An elegantly simple composition and pastel colors creates a calm and relaxing photo, exactly what a garden is supposed to do.
Third Place
Quiet Garden by Dennis Camp
The dappled light and impressionist rendering of this inviting garden was hard to resist. Made me want to visit Lakeside Ohio.
Second Place
Bluebird Fledglings by irislynx
Simply the essence of spring, expertly captured. A wonderful shot.
First Place
Bud by Juan Leon
Several of the entries have a painterly light quality, none better than this. The excellent use of depth of field and rich but realistic colors finally won me over.
It's your turn Juan!
Thanks once again to all who entered. I really enjoyed looking at all the entries.