Many great entries as usual! Thanks to all who participated, here are the honorable mentions in no particular order.
Going Up?
Lovely image from Walter Otto Koenig; strong composition and very fine use of Black and White.
Santa Cruz Boardwalk by Marcel de Jong
Wow! You really get an eye full with this photograph great exposure as well as use of shutter speed to capture motion.
The Jodhpur Blues ! by Vijay
Very good use of wide angle, I really had to study this for a bit to figure out the stairs! Nice composition and lovely colors.
Bartosz Kotulski's Image of this pregnant woman is beautifully complemented by the bending of the horizon, a very unique and well thought out photograph.
T H I R D * P L A C E
Lost & Fish by Brad Claypole
This is an amazing capture by Brad, great wide angle shot with plenty of action!
S E C O N D * P L A C E
More superb work by Walter O. Koenig! Wonderful subject, exposure and overall composition! Please treat yourself to the rest of his gallery of the Getty Center! Well done Walter!
F I R S T * P L A C E
Menlo Sunset by Bartosz Kotulski
This photograph of Bartosz's has been one of my favorites for a few years. To me this is what wide angle work is all about, having an interesting subject in the foreground that also compliments the rest of the photograph. Great colors, texture and overall balance of this image made it a winner for me. Congratulations Bartosz!