Board index PBase Show and Tell 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

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317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

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Posts: 134


Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:36 am

Thank you for your varied and high quality entries. I felt the following six best captured the spirit of the contest but there were many other excellent interpretations.

Some HM's

By Jasja - fantastic composition, simple yet highly effective. Only thing that might have improved it is if the car had been a little further along the road or not there at all instead of just emerging from the trees. But either way a great perspective.

By Ken - this has such a beautiful feel to it, I can just imagine a peaceful afternoon drive through that spectacular scenery and a nicely balanced composition

By Terry - this and the next three are all great images that I could easily see appearing in travel brochures or photography books. Wonderful composition, again simple but effective


By Marcel - it was difficult to separate these next two - both beautifully capture the amazing scenery, bringing it to life with thoughtful composition


By Vijay - What slightly separated this from Marcel's is the placement of the road in the middle of the frame. I urge you to set this photo to original size and let it fill your screen - doing so puts you right in the middle of the scene as if you were behind the wheel yourself!


By Chasp - another exotic image, this beautifully sums up one of the great aspects of road travel - seeing the unusual, something you wouldn't see in your day-to-day journeys. I love how he is hunched over determinedly battling the elements, his improvised umbrella juxtapositioned against his rather feeble clothing choice. Its a great shot that captures the spirit of the contest.

Thanks to all that took part again.


Posts: 459

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:37 am

Thanks for the "nod". It was unexpected. My money was on Vijay. His image is amazing, as were all of the other winners and HM's. I am actually on assignement today, photographing a journey by World War II Veterans to the WWII Memorial to Washington DC, so it may be a bit longer than 24 hours for me to set up the next contest, but it will be done by the end of the weekend. Congratulation to all of the winners.


Posts: 117

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:10 pm

Beautiful entries in this wonderful series. I loved the topic and many thanks for the second place.
Very well chosen winner. Its a rare and a dynamic image. The elements are very well arranged with
perfect, exposure, color and sharpness that adds to the feel of being on the road.
Congratulations Chasp and to all others.

Posts: 1039

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:55 pm

Nice choice of a different topic (it's getting to be a challenge...) and well chosen winner! Thanks for the HM.

Posts: 404

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:36 pm

Hey, great picks for the winners and thank you for the HM!

I also had noticed the car, and was just considering removing it in Photoshop...

Posts: 117

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:49 am

PBASE us still running 'bokeh' on the front page. There seems to be a disconnect with whats going on in this forum and the front page.

Posts: 497

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:55 am

Outstanding selection! Congratulations to Chasp and all of the other winners; thanks for the HM nod! :)

Posts: 797
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Re: 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

Post Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:18 am

Congrats to all the winners all good choices.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 317th Show & Tell Competition: On the Road - WINNER

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