Although we had a lower than normal number of entries into this weeks contest, the quality, as always, was still high. And so, here are my picks;
Honorable Mention
Anyone who can operate a camera in this environment AND produce a themed image earns my respect.
What more can be said??? Wonderful capture. I just wish the composition was a bit better and we could see the girls feet. But then again, this was probably a spontaneous moment.
I am not sure what he is teaching here, but he sure has everyone's attention. There are so many stories in this picture.
Because I am a sucker for aviation, and want my glider license soooooo bad!
3rd Place
I don't know what those boys think they are learning, but from the stance of the young lady who has been excluded, they are about to learn a much greater lesson. Guys.....Haven't we all??? I love the composition and distance between the boys and the young girl, and the fact that boys appear to be clueless to the storm which is about to unleash its fury.
2nd Place
The eyes have it for me in this image. The intensity of the little boys gaze shows the importance of the lesson. Wonderful capture.
1st Place
No, I did not "cop out" by picking the first image entered. First of all, as an 8 year member of a library board of trustees, literacy and writing skills are on the top of my priorities for any child (or adult) I come in contact with. But more importantly, the composition, the use of focus, and the post processing, all add up to a really magnificent image. I also like what is NOT in the picture....the face of the adult. It lets your imagination roam while at the same time focusing on just the child, and the lesson being learned. One on one guidance and mentoring in the one of the most important skills this young child will ever acquire, this is what teaching is all about. Beautifully done.
Congratulations to all, and thanks to all for participating.