Many thanks for participating. A whole lot of wonderful entries in this competition made it difficult to judge.
First a few honorable mentions in no particular order
Beautiful shot Gill. The magic of this shot is definitely in the eyes of this boy.
Lovely shot John. Very well framed. I love the way your grand nephew is trying to convey through his eyes here.
A great expression here indeed on this young equestrian. Here eyes convey her confidence and resolve. Thanks Walter for this beautiful entry.
Third Place
Wonderful image Chris. A lot of conversation going on through eyes here. Perfect timing on this shot.
Second Place
What a lovely shot Paul. I love how the eyes convey the fondness and affection the two have for each other at that moment.
First place and the winner
This photograph Just won my heart. There is nothing but eyes speaking here. Congratulations Iris You are the winner of this competition with this outstanding entry.