Board index PBase Show and Tell 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

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415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

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Posts: 190


Post Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:33 pm

Let's try again... Of course I hit the close button while I was writing the 1st place... :? :?

I thought the contest could be easier... Probably I was wrong (and I do apologize for that) as I did not received from everybody the technical analysis I was looking for trying to see things as you see them.

Anyway, here are my Honorable Mentions (in no specific order):

The rainbow position really makes the picture here

Such a powerful an tender image, even if with some technical limit (I do not know if it was done on purpose or not)... But who cares?

Explanation given says everything... I agree to the last bit.

Love the strong composition here!

The fish-eye distortion adds a interesting touch to this great B&W.

3rd Place:

Thanks for the explanation: such an unusual subject! The care you put to take it really makes me understand why it is so precious for you Michael!

2nd Place:

Great work here and I see what you see in it Allen.

1st Place:

Really an image that stands out... I love the plastic and morbid position of the person up in the sky, like a new Michelangelo's David.
Good conversion in B&W, but I really miss your explanation Yaron.
Anyway, it's up to you now!

Thanks to everybody


Posts: 37

415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:08 pm

With so many great entries, I'm honored to have my work recognized. Thanks!

Congratulations to all who participated. You people do outstanding work!


p.s. I suppose I should mention that it is a video frame from this:

Posts: 658

Re: 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:53 am

Many thanks for the HM, lots of great images this week, congrats to the winners!

Posts: 920

Re: 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:55 am

Good to see more entries than we've been getting :) and so many great ones ! Congrats to the winners and HMs.

Posts: 265

Re: 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:31 am

Thanks for the 2nd place, and thanks again for the theme.

Good choice for the winner - it really is a special image.

Posts: 184

415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:23 am

Enrico thanks for you choose me, i was very surprised, there where very nice photos in this contests.

about the photo itself,
it called flyboard, a board connected to a PWC turbine allowing the user to rise into the air,
dive and jump out of the water and perform various freestyle figures

it was the first time i see this kind of sport, i was on a boat in Eilat bay when this man show up
the photo parameters was choose to get the silhouette, so the original photo was almost BW by itself


Posts: 329

Re: 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:28 am

Congratulations, all! And, congratulations, Judge, for your choices. Thanks for my HM--you-all might want to see what my view is now. At least the church still stands--it's just hidden behind the mega-Lego tower. I don't know how to attach an image here, so, if you're curious, I'll put it in my Unclassified folder for a while. Cheers & Peace to all, Sylvester/John Medlin

Posts: 253

Re: 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:43 am

Thank you for the HM! Great pictures this week. Congrats to the winners!

Posts: 564

Re: 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

Post Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:23 pm

Thank you to all participants. Congrats to all winners and HMs.
Many thanks for the HM. It was great competition and selection of winners.

John de Freitas

Board index PBase Show and Tell 415th Show & Tell Competition: YOUR BEST! - WINNER

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