Fun contest, although I have to say that our Show & Tell has the severe dwindles... It would have been nice to see more entries...
Honorable mentions in no particular order:
All 3 entries by Enrico were excellent. the light and mystery in this image were very intriguing.
this shot is slightly blurry - unfortunately - and could be cropped a bit, but its well seen and the story of that bottle almost certainly would be interesting to hear...
love a good shot - of irish whiskey. nice framing. leaving just enough of the bottle to make the image interesting.
I really like this shot. It could benefit from a bit of post-processing (more contrast) and is too large in the "original" to fit onto a computer screen. However, the PoV is really interesting and the bottles are front and center, although they are small. Well seen.
3rd place:
Great composition with the blinds showing through the neck of the bottle. a typical KZ abstract.
2nd place:
Clear winner. Great composition. Beautiful progressive lighting with a mystery glow on the lowest row of bottles.
1st place winner: h