Board index PBase Show and Tell 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

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451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

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Posts: 1417


Post Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:27 pm

Several of these images left me quite thirsty...

First the honorable mentions in no particular order

well composed... and nice focus on the beautiful color of the coffee

this one made me smile... sun, beer, man... a classic combo

nice product shot. love the creativeness of the wine flowing against gravity

which one to choose? they all look so good...

Very nice use of DoF, with the focus in the topic of our competition....

3rd place

Very nice collage. This could be a poster at a coffee shop.

2nd place

Excellent composition and framing. I really liked how all 3 main objects (hand, coffee and glass) were partially cut off and still came together.


Great catch. Love the vacant stare. Deep thoughts fueled by a little beer...

Posts: 564

Re: 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

Post Fri Sep 29, 2017 5:55 pm

Markus, Thank you for the honour of selecting my "Faces of Olhão, Algarve - Portugal" photograph among the group of a very interesting images.
Congratulations to the winners & HM.
The next theme will be announced shortly.

John de Freitas

Posts: 1039

Re: 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

Post Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:36 pm

Markus, thanks for the second place/HM and great pic for the winner, congrats to John for a moving portrait of a man and his beer. Good choice for topics too, it's getting so hard to find a unique one!

Posts: 920

Re: 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

Post Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:33 pm

Congrats to John, the other winners and HMs - great topic and entries :)

Posts: 329

Re: 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

Post Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:27 am

Congratulations to all! Lots of imagination and creativity on show.

Posts: 87

Re: 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

Post Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:38 am

Congrats to John on the First Place finish. I totally agree with the selection for the very same reasons Markus mentioned.
Thank you very much for the Third Place selection, Markus. And congrats to the HM's and other place winners.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 451st Show & Tell Competition: Drink - WINNER

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