Thanks everyone for great contributions. I hope you had fun putting yourself on Mars and taking those photos.
So many great photos but it's competition so had to find some key to choose some and opted for lighthearted approach.
Honorable Mentions
Flo, don't quite share your optimism but who knows what we find under the dust of Mars, maybe some magic mushrooms
Looks like someone done some mining there before us and as usual left toxic sludge behid
Great aerial photo
Great abstract, really like its freaky, scary atmosphere of "Aliens"
And here - dear visitors - remnants of ancient fortification abandoned by Martians for cooler climate of Earth
Third place goes to Sam for the classic postcard from the future taken by tourist to Mars with their iPhone XV
Death Valley is considered by many Mars on Earth
Second place goes to Alain. This is truly great, dramatic photo of the ice storm.
It appears that it's not always sunny weather on Mars
The Winning spot goes to photo by Sylvester.
This is great photo that best reflects spirit of this competition.
The postcard colours, mysterious landscape, stars and rocket plane taking off for Earth.
I call it "Elon Going Home":)
I hope you don't mind my attempt of humour.
Congratulations to all and over to you Sylvester