Board index PBase Show and Tell 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

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481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

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Posts: 2790

481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:46 am

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this contest challenge. Your entries were wonderful for multiple reasons~
Point of view, of course;
originality and visual storytelling;
making common things visually new and dynamic;
challenging the senses; and
even humor. Thank you each one for this peer opportunity to enjoy and cherish your work.

First Place~ Amoxtli for dynamic lines, fascinating form, excellent clarity, original composition dependent on creative point of view. Wow! Walter!

Second Place~ Mardoli for dramatic visual storytelling; color, line (those stairs leading the eye up and up); evoking multiple senses. This composition put a new twist on point of view. Splendid! Marisa!

Third Place~ Cits_4_pets for making an everyday experience with an 'object' (window blinds) new, dynamic, a stand-out by paying attention to point of view. Exciting composition Flo!

Honorary Mentions
1st: Heffa for a creative point of view (Mt Rainier); a beautiful composition with strong lines, original framing, texture, clarity, together evoking a sense of awe. Thank you Jeff.

2nd: Mardoli for a strong, original composition evoking humor (upside down roses) as well as drama and story. Truly artistic, Marisa! Thank you!

3rd: Gillk for creative point of view of an outstanding macro (Clematis seed head); great clarity, color, detail, texture. Brilliant Gill!

4th: Grompen for a truly original, strong Impressionistic portrait of a family from the point of view (seen through) a waterfall. High art in some circles Markus! Thanks for exercising my imagination.

5th: This was a difficult choice because so many submitted great images including Jola, Gill (Salmon run), Mclew, humorous Jarekm. Yet I have to decide on only one more so I have chosen Amoxtli for the composition that takes the mind to another world, as it were, through a creative point of view, strong form and lines, great shadows and architecture; leading the eye to something unseen. Dynamite Walter!

Again, thank you each one! Keep seeing and mapping what you see!
Your turn Walter!

Winning and Running a Contest
1. If you enter the Show and Tell Contest, please note the closing date and be sure to check back to see if you won.
2. If you win the Show and Tell Contest and cannot run the next one, please notify the person running the contest immediately, so they can notify the second place winner.
3. If you decide to run the next contest, please post the new contest within 24 hours.
4. When the contest ends, please post the winners within 24-48 hours. (If you keep an eye on entries during the week, you will have a good idea of your favorites by the time the contest ends, and be able to more quickly post your winners.)
5. If you know you will not be able to post a contest, judge it, and post winners, within these timeframes, please do not start one. Instead, notify the person running the contest, so they can pass it on to the second place winner.
6. Pick first, second, and third place winners. You may include up to 5 honorable mentions.
7. Include these rules in the body of your contest.

Posts: 2790

481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:55 am

1st Place: Walter

2nd Place: Marisa

3rd Place: Flo

Honorary Mention:
Jeff B:

Thank you again, each one who contributed.

Posts: 1809
Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Re: 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:33 am

Great choice for winner, always love this shot of the Disney building. Seen lots of images of it, but most focus on the roofline. Glad you liked my blinds...and great choices for all, so many great images, tough job to chose a winner I am sure.
Cits 4 Pets where Happy Pets Go with the Flo
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Posts: 920

Re: 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:27 am

Congratulations to Walter and other winners - and thanks for the HM. Great topic and nice to see lots of entries.

Posts: 3303
Location: San Diego, California

Re: 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:04 pm

Many thanks for choosing my image. I was lucky that there was soft light, raindrops and no people. Great choice of topic and there were many fine entries. Nice to see so many participating. I will post the next competition by the end of day today.
Regards, Walter
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 721

Re: 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:44 pm

This competition brought out so many beautiful and interesting photos, thanks Carol for thinking of the topic and for posting your thoughts on all of the photos you selected for 1,2,3 and the HM's.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Hoping that the good participation continues for Walter's competition,

Posts: 589

Re: 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

Post Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:59 am

Thank you , Carol, for your appreciation.
I agree with you about Walter's deserved first place.
"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."
~Oscar Wilde~

Board index PBase Show and Tell 481st Show & Tell Competition: Different Point of View - WINNER

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