Judging this theme was more difficult than I anticipated as the entries were all great and showed a wide variety of human emotions and environments. I chose the winning photograph (Jola Dzubinska) secondarily because of image quality/technical merits, but primarily because it had a "are you kidding me?" factor that made me go back and look at it again and again. What do I mean? A photographer (who happens to be Jola's husband) casually holding a Black Cobra while he is being photographed. Casually?? Not me thank you very much! If any photograph can grab my attention like that, it's a winner in my book.
Third place goes to Marisa Livet for "According to the guide it should be London"
Second place goes to Peter Schultz for this great photograph:
And the winner is Jola Dzubinska's "Tomasz with Black Cobra"
Congratulations to the winners and to all who entered for a very challenging competition!