Board index PBase Show and Tell 540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

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540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

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Posts: 589


Post Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:18 pm

I'm afraid that my choice of topic for this competition was not too inspiring, since the participants were only a few.
Nevertheless I had the pleasure to see nice pictures and some of them, in my opinion, really conveyed the right feelings included in the theme.
I'll skip the honourable mentions this time, because the pictures in competition were not too many.
Let's consider that every photo, ideally, deserves a mention-

As for the winners

Third Place
Jola Dziubinska
The quiet sleep of the little boy is captured in a dreamy way, which expresses nicely the feeling of cosiness he finds in his bed.

Second Place
Geoff Smith
His well composed picture is a metaphor of a man's comfortable relax

First Place
Arnie Peterschmidt
This charming young lady laying the table in the sunlight flooding from a window conveys a deep sense of serenity and calm joy.

My thanks and congratulations to all.
"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."
~Oscar Wilde~

Posts: 436

540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

Post Tue Feb 04, 2020 5:57 am

Thank you Marisa for the honor. Your theme fits well with the season (in the northern hemisphere) and I enjoyed the other entries.
I will post a new contest as soon as the link is available.
Last edited by peterschmidtab on Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 920

Re: 540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

Post Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:57 pm

Congrats Peter and other winners - great shots and a neat topic.

Posts: 5648

Re: 540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

Post Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:15 am

Thank you for the third place, Marisa, I enjoyed the cozy theme and all the photos.

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Posts: 745

Re: 540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

Post Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:20 pm

Hi Arnie,

The winning image was posted as peterschmidt not peterschmidtab. So, if you log into peterschmidt, you should see the link to start the new competition.

The link should be available to the winner as soon as the winner announcement post is made. So, if there is ever a problem with it or you do not see it, let me know.

I love seeing these creative themes and the photos. Have fun!

Board index PBase Show and Tell 540th Show & Tell Competition: A feeling of cosiness - WINNER

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