Board index PBase Show and Tell 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

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548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

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Posts: 329


Post Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:28 pm

Thanks, all, for taking on my fuzzily defined topic. There’s so much more about “found art” than I realized—imagery, wit, social commentary, surprise metaphor, even epiphany of a sort—and you-all have explored it thoroughly. APOLOGIES for not including images. I can't find their [pb image] numbers, so the photographers' titles will have to do. Best wishes to everybody; Best wishes on the next competition, kzaret. Stay safe and healthy! John/sylvester

Honorable Mentions in no particular order

cjphipps ,City Still Life. Sometimes one can just blink and the world becomes a splintered jigsaw puzzle, and this captures such a moment.

lambsfeathers, Street Artists.It shows us street art in the making, and tells stories. Is the painter on the left working through a block o
r just bored? One painting or two? What’s being depicted?

gillk, Tree Spirit. It seems to be emerging from the tree trunk even as we watch. Monochrome complements the mystery.

peterschmidtab, Illuminated Smoke Stacks. I think the project is too professional and prepared to really be “found art,” but Peter’s photograph, in color, mood, and composition, is stunning. I’m glad he ‘found’ it.

mardoli /Marísa, Don’t Go Swimming Today. A sly visual joke, and a perfectly captured composition.

Third Place: grompem (fossil). Subtle gradations of a single color and of texture. Expand it and ponder. The “fossil” is startling and mysterious. Maybe it’s really an ancient inscription.

Second Place: mardoli Broken Heart. It’s already a work of art, with its weathered, deep, brooding colors and textures. Yet someone has come along and offered a graphic title.

First Place: kzaret, Berlin Graffiti. Rich, mysterious colors and striking images, each one open to all kinds of interpretation. One person’s work, or several? What is the crowned personage holding in its prehensile nose?

Posts: 329

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:33 pm

kzaret's winning image is BERLIN GRAFFITI. I did think I had gotten that image selected. Exasperated. . . . sylvester

Posts: 1039

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:34 pm

Thank you John (Sylvester), good topic. Lots of great entries and we had a good number of submissions. I will try to come up with something new by tomorrow.

Best wishes for you and everyone else during these pandemic times! Stay healthy.


Posts: 1039

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:35 pm

p.s. John you did things correctly because I got an email about it from the system.

Posts: 2790

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:06 pm

Congratulations to all. Thank you for the Honorable Mention.

Posts: 436

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:12 pm

Congratulations to Ken, Marisa and Markus, well deserved. Thank you for the HM and thanks to all the participants for making this an interesting competition.

Posts: 515

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:20 am


It is not that hard to include images.

- Click PB-Image button, this will paste the image tags: open and close.
- Paste image URL between the two tags.

To me, the whole thing is pointless if I cannot see the awarded works.

Posts: 721

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:46 am

Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions! Good topic and how nice to see so much participation!


Posts: 920

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:17 am

Congratulations to Ken and other winners - and a big thanks for HM. Great topic, even for us country bumpkins :)

Posts: 589

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:46 am

I feel so rewarded, John, that two of my pictures attracted your attention.
It was a well-chosen topic and you gave us the opportunity to enjoy an interesting competition.

I fully agree with you about choosing Ken Zaret as winner.
His picture is not only well-taken, but it also open a full range of thought-provoking suggestions to the viewer.

I was glad to see that many people joined this competition and I hope to see even more in future.
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Location: San Diego, California

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:11 pm

jarekm wrote:Hi,

It is not that hard to include images.

- Click PB-Image button, this will paste the image tags: open and close.
- Paste image URL between the two tags.

To me, the whole thing is pointless if I cannot see the awarded works.

Totally agree with you. I don't know which images won, and I'm not going to go looking for them.
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Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:20 pm

amoxtli wrote:
jarekm wrote:Hi,

It is not that hard to include images.

- Click PB-Image button, this will paste the image tags: open and close.
- Paste image URL between the two tags.

To me, the whole thing is pointless if I cannot see the awarded works.

Totally agree with you. I don't know which images won, and I'm not going to go looking for them.

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Posts: 515

Re: kzaret

Post Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:40 am

I think, the competition without showing the winning images just does not make any sense, especially if it is so trivially easy to do, so I decided to do sylvester's job and publish the awarded pictures below:


cjphipps ,City Still Life

lambsfeathers, Street Artists

gillk, Tree Spirit

peterschmidtab, Illuminated Smoke Stacks

mardoli /Marísa, Don’t Go Swimming Today

Third Place: grompem (fossil)

Second Place: mardoli Broken Heart

First Place: kzaret, Berlin Graffiti

sylvester wrote:Thanks, all, for taking on my fuzzily defined topic. There’s so much more about “found art” than I realized—imagery, wit, social commentary, surprise metaphor, even epiphany of a sort—and you-all have explored it thoroughly. APOLOGIES for not including images. I can't find their [pb image] numbers, so the photographers' titles will have to do. Best wishes to everybody; Best wishes on the next competition, kzaret. Stay safe and healthy! John/sylvester

Honorable Mentions in no particular order

cjphipps ,City Still Life. Sometimes one can just blink and the world becomes a splintered jigsaw puzzle, and this captures such a moment.

lambsfeathers, Street Artists.It shows us street art in the making, and tells stories. Is the painter on the left working through a block o
r just bored? One painting or two? What’s being depicted?

gillk, Tree Spirit. It seems to be emerging from the tree trunk even as we watch. Monochrome complements the mystery.

peterschmidtab, Illuminated Smoke Stacks. I think the project is too professional and prepared to really be “found art,” but Peter’s photograph, in color, mood, and composition, is stunning. I’m glad he ‘found’ it.

mardoli /Marísa, Don’t Go Swimming Today. A sly visual joke, and a perfectly captured composition.

Third Place: grompem (fossil). Subtle gradations of a single color and of texture. Expand it and ponder. The “fossil” is startling and mysterious. Maybe it’s really an ancient inscription.

Second Place: mardoli Broken Heart. It’s already a work of art, with its weathered, deep, brooding colors and textures. Yet someone has come along and offered a graphic title.

First Place: kzaret, Berlin Graffiti. Rich, mysterious colors and striking images, each one open to all kinds of interpretation. One person’s work, or several? What is the crowned personage holding in its prehensile nose?

Posts: 329

Re: 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

Post Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:59 am

Thank you, jarekm, for taking the time to present my contest results properly.
My sincere apologies to those of you whom I annoyed with my own unillustrated efforts.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 548th Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City - WINNER

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