Wow - we got some great entries into this competition making it really difficult to choose winners - I would have liked to give everyone an honourable mention.
Amoxtli: December 3. The tonal variety in this shot is fabulous creating a mysterious yet peaceful mood.
cjphipps: Tenacious Tree. This scene works so nicely with the sepia tones - a lovely shot.
heffa: A great shot showing the devastation of Mt. St. Helen's eruption
peterschmidtab: Feb. 13. The cold, deserted park is so beautiful - nicely done.
todd_port: Tomales Point Grove. Really appears that the elements did a number on this cluster of trees. Nicely composed and I like the dramatic tonal contrast.
lambsfeather: 3rd Place. Mangroves. What a strange scene - quite otherworldly - the trees appear to be writhing in a slow dance
jolka: 2nd Place. Soft Reflection. Such a beautiful soft and peaceful scene
hughjones: 1st Place. Coconut Tree. I love the festive mood captured here giving monochrome a whole new look.
Congrats to everyone and thanks for participating