I am glad that there is an HM or a winner from all the entries - I enjoyed them all. So, the honourable mentions, in no particular order, are:
cjphipps - The Five Love Language - the fun and warmth here is wonderful - it would have been nice if the little boy with his fingers was a bit more pronounced.
Hughjones - Smile - a lovely one.
Lambsfeathers - Driving Lesson - the child's excitement is so well captured.
Jolka - Fun Night - Love it - looks like a fun evening
And - in Third Place:
Amoxtli - Tea and Strumpets - OH MY - this looks like a fun group - great catch.
Second Place:
Jarekm - Walking Lulu. I love the quiet happiness caught in this shot.
And in First Place:
Grompem - At the Final Peak - the exuberance and happiness well caught in a great setting.
So, it's on to you Markus - congratulations.