Hello, Your submissions for this theme were excellent, making it difficult for me to pick a winner. Here we go first with the HM's in particular order:
Jarek: A Fogbow, a rare phenomenon. I've only seen one in my life.
Margret's view of Venice. I like the boats to one side and the faint view of Venice in the background.
Vijay: I like the colors and layered composition, but most of all, the atmosphere.
Ken: The lighting on the grass provides such a strong contrast to the low fog bank, which looks like a boiling sea.
Third Place Hugh: Strong image with the low perspective and lights drawing the viewer to the mysterious looking building topped by fog.
Second Place Gill: Like the composition, lighting, and colors. The fog and clouds seem to go together so well.
First Place Vijay: Great Timing to get the gull in flight at this position with the foggy atmosphere.
Over to you Vijay!