Hi guys! First off, thank you for joining the contest and giving me such a hard time in narrowing my top choices. The delay was due even more to my taking so much time enjoying and hovering over each of your galleries. I feel like I've gotten to know you guys in a voyeuristic kind of way.
Because I had several favorites, am whittling down my selection to certain points: that the SP theme will have to be about the photographer alone. That rules out the family and couple shots but will have to mention them as honorables because their images were certainly heartwarming in such beautiful compositions:
Dennis, this is so poignant and touching, your photo with Max. The lighting barely grazes both your faces in illumination, yet his captured smile lights up the whole photo. It is beautifully effective.
Bartosz, if this was a family portrait, I'd declare yours a winner hands down. Composition and tones are outstanding! I did spend a lot of time just looking at your adorable baby's gallery.
Nelson, my heart melts at this stunning composition of love and affection. The framing is so exact, the setting nostalgic and romance fills the air.
Now that family with self-portrait is reluctantly ruled out, I must also see the person clearly in the photo. But since I am looking for a creative composition, I also give these entries a salute for being so darn provocative. So more of the Honorables, part 2:
...I see you very clearly here and I do appreciate you flashing at me, Erich. You score high for bravery and self-confidence.
...you have taken a "tongue-in-cheek" photo to another level, Brad. Most especially that Canon under the railway train shot, it is almost upsetting and horribly
fascinating at the same time.
Jasja, yours is a fascinating reflection shot, but I wish I could see more of you, not disappearing so much into the landscape background.
This is a wonderful rendition of oneself, you almost look so ethereal, Kirsten. Personally, upon looking at your SP gallery, I love the one of your pregnant self-portrait.
Erich, after I have recovered from seeing so much of you in one raw image, the next decision was a toss up between you and you (dual SP), or you and you and you (mirrored SP). I opted for this two of you, and am only glad you both didn't decide on sunning in your backyard in a birthday suit.
Mike, while your other self portrait was beautifully lighted (holding the Practical Photography Magazine), I keep coming back to this photo with the dynamic framing and the edgy, gothic tone. Your other SP gallery shots are equally as fascinating and you don't look a day over 50 as well, so never say old.
Elias...I don't know how to explain the sheer madness of this self-portrait. I like your other lunatic shot as well with the hammer over your head poised upon the "poor unaware mouse" (good acting too), it's simply hilarious and amazing. You have transferred your creative touch from your painting to your photography and it is worth the digital artistry. Your self-portrait tells me you are a fun person to be with (including the mad scientist). I simply have to give the next theme to you, even as I shudder in anticipation just thinking what your mind is cooking for our assignment next.
Congratulations everyone! It was an honor to be choosing top entries from a set of fine photographers. Thank you for letting me see you up close.
IMPORTANT: DUE TO TECHNICAL RULING (see my last post below), FIRST PLACE now goes to