First of all let me thank every fellow photographer who participated in this competition.
In Italy they have a saying "Pochi ma buoni" to say for example that at a meeting where we should have been many, only few came, but those are probably the best. I don't think that it's possible to translate it literally in English, but it means, more or less, that it's not the quantity but the quality that counts.
Although it would have been great to have more entries, I have been amazed by the high quality and by the objective beauty of the pictures I have the honour to judge.
You made my task very hard. Every time I thought that one picture would be my favourite, I immediately hesitated looking at another one.
My selection criteria are based on the right interpretation of the theme, on the elegance of the composition, on a good technical basis and a certain originality which impress my emotional side. If I could I'd give a deserved honourable mention at least to a double number of pictures, but alas, I'm allowed to mention only five.
So, in casual orders,
Honourable Mentions go to:
Jolka for this lively and pleasant picture, which shows exactly how bad weather can be enjoyable, under determined circumstances.
Flo (cits_4_pets) for the originality of this picture, which shows the effect of bad weather on flowers, without spoiling their grace
Walter (amoxtli) for this powerful wave captured with his usual perfection
Arnie (peterschmidtab) for this winter scene brightened up by the small group of colourful children
Margaret (mclew) for the pleasant atmosphere conveyed by this picture (in spite of the rain), with a perfectly balanced composition.
Third Place
Ken Zaret. For this amazing and really huge sandstorm, mitigated in what might be a dramatic mood, by the warm sunlight. A fantastic picture!
Second Place
Markus Grompe. Because this photo expresses perfectly the theme. Definitely it's an example of bad weather, a lot of snow.
Probably it's very cold, but the mood is serene. People are walking back home after a pleasant evening, the light of the street lamp adds a little magic touch to the scene.
First Place
Geoff Smith (oracle0017). This picture left me breathless. An incredibly beautiful sunset thunderstorm, with magic colours and a powerful visual impact.
The photo is taken perfectly. It's scaring and appealing at once.